Wednesday, February 25, 2015


William here, reporting from the future!
There once was a man named Thomas Aquinas.  He thought he could come up with logical ways to prove the existance of god.  being the argumentative prick that I am, I had to go and argue with him.  Well, he didn't like me shooting him, so the coward went off and died.  these were my arguments

The Best!
By best, I mean it took me the longest to think of arguments against it.
"Contingent beings are caused.  Not every being can be contingent.  There must exist a being which is necessary to cause contingent beings. the necessary being is God."
Now my counter argument gets a bit philosophical.  I say that god cannot be necessary, because he needs us.  If he does exist, then he thrives off of our worship of him.  without us, then he cannot be, for there would be nothing to acknowledge him.

The Worst
"Nothing can move itself.  Every object in motion has a mover, so therefore the first object needs a mover.  God is the first mover."
the problem I have with this this one is that the last statement contradicts the first statement.  Everything needs a mover?  Then what moved God?  These arguments are claimed to be based off of logic, but there is no logic here!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bacon Idols

An idol made out of bacon? No, that was just a lie to lure you to read my blog about the idols of Francis Bacon!

1) Idols of Tribes
This idol describes the bias' that come about as a result of people jumping to conclusions.  Bacon was pointing out the necessity of investigation because without it we base our ideas of a false conclusion.

2) Idols of the CAVE!
The education system is creating idols through the education system

3) Idols of the Market Place
These are created by the intercourse of men with eachother. T_T  NO! It means that when men talk, the language that they use create bias's.  Like the whole idea that white is pure while black is dirty.

4) Idols of theatre
Mr. Posito would hate this one.  Bacon says that the western world has ignored too many scholars and only focused on a few.  FOR SHAME

I just realised i never told you knid folk what the idols mean.

As Francis Bacon rose to power, he said that the education system was horrid.  He advocated a reform for the education system which required avoiding the above things!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Galileo 2.0

Okay, i wasn't feeling to good yesterday, so i neglected to do a good job on my blog.
This is the remedy:

While he might be the most awesome dude to have ever invented the telescope, or at least a powerful one, he recived LOTS of help from his eldest daughter, Virginia.  Born on August 12, 1600, she was considered unmarrageable because she was born out of wedlock.  So at the age of 13, Galileo sent her to live at the San Mateo Convent.  At the age of 16, she adopted the veil and changed her name to Suor Maria Celeste, after the virgin mary and her father's love of astronomy.

She greatly influenced Galileo's life, despite never being allowed to leave the convent. She was the head of the apothicary, which gave her access to numerous medicines that she was able to send to Galileo to keep him alive so he could change the world.  BEsides that, she was also his editor and gave him advice that may have saved his life.  As Galileo was called apon to go before the inquistion, she urged him to renounce his beliefs as heresy.  If not for her urging, Galileo would probably have died at the hands of the church.  She was also a very devout daughter who showed the same apptitude for learning that her father showed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thunderbolts and lightning! Very very frightning! BOOM Galileo! Galileo! Gal

Decided to bloog in the Present (Bloog is the cool way of saying blog)

Galileo had a daughter.  She was important.  She was his editor and his doctor.  She encouraged him to do what needed to be done through his bad years, and gave him good advice on life. Especially when he went to trial.  She was an important person.

Not feeling very good today.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Nipples, Gothic Architecture, and Hitler

Okay, there are several things i need to cover.

First up, I was at Sport Chalet the other day, and I saw a female mannequin.  Now this wasn't out of the ordinary since 50% of our world is female.  what was weird was the mannequin had very large, pointy nipples.  WHY DOES A MANNEQUIN NEED SUCH LARGE NIPPLES?? It truly alludes me.  

Okay, now i did put hitler last, but whatever.  So hopefully you know who hitler is.  He is crazy.  We were studying fallacy's (I noticed the female mannequin was the only anatomically correct one.  The male had no phallus.) and Hitler was a lover of all things fallic-y, for his writing, primarily in Mein Kempf, was full of them.  For one, he was constantly begging the question.  For those of you who don't know what that means, it basically says that the statement the argument is based on isn't proven.  Like when Hitler kept saying that all non-aryan people were bad, so if an aryan were to breed with a non-aryan, it would create an inferior being.  The statement "non-aryans are inferior" is not proven, so therefore the argument is void.

Gothic Architecture.
No, its not the architecture that sat in the courner and cut itself during Homeroom.  Its a style of architecture that is based off of light, developed by Abbot Suger.  it is very similar to many the philosophies of St. Augustine. St. Augustine said that everyone has an inner beauty, that the corrupt, ugly body is keeping it down man!  Senor Sugar developed his church to reflect that idea.  The outside was ugly-ish.  not very stylish.  However, the insides of the churches was breathtaking.  The stained glass windows cast brilliant shades of color everywhere!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Intelligent Design v. Evolution

Well, procrastination................. But hey, at least it isn't the same day.

Okay, so first off, i want to make a statement.  Intelligent Design is not science.  It can not be tested through experimentation.  While evolution might have some holes, for every hole in evolution, there are 20 holes in Intelligent Design.

The article mentioned two main arguments that proponents of Intelligent Design have used.  The first was the idea that the human body, and many other animal functions are too complex to have arose through mutations.  This statement is supported by the second argument, irreducible complexity.  Basically, it says that individual functions cannot exist without the entireity of the mechanism. And both of those are bullshit.

However, alot of things in science seem like bullshit.  The problem I have is that Intelligent Design is creationism.  ANd religion has no place in schools.