Wednesday, February 25, 2015


William here, reporting from the future!
There once was a man named Thomas Aquinas.  He thought he could come up with logical ways to prove the existance of god.  being the argumentative prick that I am, I had to go and argue with him.  Well, he didn't like me shooting him, so the coward went off and died.  these were my arguments

The Best!
By best, I mean it took me the longest to think of arguments against it.
"Contingent beings are caused.  Not every being can be contingent.  There must exist a being which is necessary to cause contingent beings. the necessary being is God."
Now my counter argument gets a bit philosophical.  I say that god cannot be necessary, because he needs us.  If he does exist, then he thrives off of our worship of him.  without us, then he cannot be, for there would be nothing to acknowledge him.

The Worst
"Nothing can move itself.  Every object in motion has a mover, so therefore the first object needs a mover.  God is the first mover."
the problem I have with this this one is that the last statement contradicts the first statement.  Everything needs a mover?  Then what moved God?  These arguments are claimed to be based off of logic, but there is no logic here!

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