Monday, February 16, 2009

Intelligent Design v. Evolution

Well, procrastination................. But hey, at least it isn't the same day.

Okay, so first off, i want to make a statement.  Intelligent Design is not science.  It can not be tested through experimentation.  While evolution might have some holes, for every hole in evolution, there are 20 holes in Intelligent Design.

The article mentioned two main arguments that proponents of Intelligent Design have used.  The first was the idea that the human body, and many other animal functions are too complex to have arose through mutations.  This statement is supported by the second argument, irreducible complexity.  Basically, it says that individual functions cannot exist without the entireity of the mechanism. And both of those are bullshit.

However, alot of things in science seem like bullshit.  The problem I have is that Intelligent Design is creationism.  ANd religion has no place in schools.

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